Shut the front door, Gable...

... we're going to be in theknot magazine!!!!!

And not just as a regular little ad or anything {that would be cool too, right?}, but as apart of a real wedding. I know, it's insane. I may or may not have just sat back when the eMail came in and smiled like a total fool. Thankfully only Atticus can see me.

Which wedding, you ask... oh, why let me enlighten you. The featured wedding will be that of Joyce & Andrew; remember them? I designed and printed their wedding invitations in August of last year and I could not BE MORE EXCITED FOR THEM and this amazing opportunity to show off all the hard planning and work that went into throwing a magnificent party at the Warren Center and Inn. I've already seen their wedding photos- and they're amazing. Like, I would pay all the money in the world to look as beautiful as Joyce is in that dress of hers.

I'll post a more complete update of this good news as it comes in, but for now, get your cars gassed up and wallets ready because the Fall/Winter 2011 issue hits stands this summer. Get. Ready. I'll be qizzing each of you to ensure you read the issue front to back. Maybe even offer a little giveaway to one lucky winner who can answer all 10 super crazy questions that I come up with. We'll see.

hugs to you all!


Sarah B. said...

Whoo hoo! Way to go!! I really loved those invitations...the fiddlehead design was so unique and lovely. Can't wait to see the spread in the mag.

bcallegra said...

Thanks Liz! I told The Knot you were one of my favorite vendors, so hopefully you get some well-deserved recognition.

Elizabeth Bardwell said...

Sweet Joyce!!!! You are a rock star girl, and you're wedding is a stunning example of just how to do it right-- you are beautiful in your photos and I can't wait to see you in the magazine when it comes out!!!! xo


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