Framingham Holiday Marketplace

Table Signholiday table 2holiday table 4holiday table 5holiday table 3

Wow! Sarah and I had a GREAT time at the Framingham Holiday Marketplace over the weekend, and I'm back with a few pics of the booth to show you all! Thanks to everyone who stopped by, and some of the new friends I was able to meet!

Okay, here is the point in this post where I need to share my experiences, both good and bad, about what happened on Saturday:

1) Always pack the night before, not the morning of. You'll forget critical things, like the babies breath garland you spent 4 hours creating and put at the front of the fridge because you 'know you can't forget it if it's THERE.'

2) Don't forget to bring a strong person- my husband in this case- to do the hard stuff, like drilling holes for the table legs. I know, I could have easily done it, but I also decided to wear a dress, and that just ain't ladylike.

3) If you DO decide to wear a dress, make sure that when you bend over, the cowl-neck isn't giving unsuspecting onlookers a free show. This may or may not have happened from experience...

4) Bring a GREAT friend to help you with the math. Generally, a calculator is best, but when in need, make sure your partner in crime can add the math for you. I'm still not sure what 3 times $8 is, and I may or may not have had my hand under the tables counting my little piggies for a total.

5) For the love of everything holy, just rent a table. Okay, so this one I did to myself BEFORE the show, but I thought it would work out. Apparently 8ft long booths are larger than they seem, and my little dinky 6ft natural wood table from Ikea with the most amazing legs in the world just didn't cut it. We 'rented' one from the event coordinators before the shindig began to help out-- we just DIDN'T have enough space to display stationery.

6) Bring business cards. I know, it sounds obvious, and thankfully I brought plenty, but I know alot of folks didn't {I wandered around for a few moments in between the show}.

7) Bring lunch. Gross hotdogs and coke won't keep you going for very long.

8) Help people feel comfortable. Sarah had a great idea to display one card of every pack out on the table for people to 'feel.' It was the best decision I ever made. Sure, I had to put a pack of cards out of misery to do it, but it was a great conversation starter for people lurking around the tables: "go on, don't be afraid... cuddle with it, give the card a big hug, you'll love the texture." It was a big help. I had to remember that alot of folks haven't ever experienced letterpress printing before; it could be watercolor printing for all they know. I think this helped ALOT with sales...

9) Most important tip of the day: just have fun! The event was open to the public from 10am-4pm, with set up from 7-10am. I was TIRED to say the least after printing and packing till around 2am the night before, but everytime I got tired or kind of worn out during the show, I just remembered to put on a happy face, and enjoy the fact that, 'hey, people might actually like to buy from a happy person.' I know I do. It also helped that Sarah ran for coffee and treats midway through the show... I LOVE sushi. THANKS SARAH!

Okay, so the show was a resounding success-- not for any money made, or products pushed, but because I was able to meet with people I had never met before, enjoy some time with a really good friend of mine {folks, she lives like an hour away, AND STILL met me out there at 8am in the freezing cold... how amazing is THAT? I know, a keeper.}, and tell people about letterpress.

Next time: I want to have photos of Gable and Beux {and general studio goodness}, MORE plain stationery {it was a best seller, I would say}, and access to a credit card thingy {I really think this would have helped boost sales just a bit...}.

Okay, so here is a little update in the studio: I'm busy as hell. I wish I could say that another way without it sounding crass, but I can't. I am. I was so overwhelmed with what I have to print in the next few weeks before xmas, that I didn't print anything last night. Nothing. And you know what, it was the best decision ever. Better to be safe than sorry, I always say. I'm better today, and hopefully Gable is cooperating enough to allow me the pleasure of printing this evening. We have a TON TON TON of personalized holiday cards to get out the door this week {I am SO excited to show you those photos!!!}.


BTW: you may have noticed that there is some garland on those tables? I've got some good news: they are for sale in the etsy shop now! I've created 'Happy New Year' and 'Merry Christmas' letterpress garlands! Whats a mantle to do without some garland draped on it? Head on over to the etsy store to get your pack!


mappear said...

Great! Congrats for lunching this nice tutorial. I gonna make it my own. Thanks again.

Plastic Card.


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