Our family has departed, the house is left empty, but our bellies & fridge are FULL of goodness from this Thanksgiving holiday! My brother, his wife, and my Husband's brother came to visit with us this holiday weekend and I can't tell you how amazing it was to see everyone. I think it was the first official 'vacation' from Blush Design Studio that I've ever taken {like really taken-- as in not even looking for my blackberry a single time to make sure I didn't miss a client eMail} and I won't fool you: it was amazing.
I thought I would share pics from our table. I've ommited the photos of actual people {sometimes thats creepy...} but you can drool with me as I remember all that yummy food just waiting to be pounced on. I gained no less than 5lbs over the 4day vacation and I am A-OK with that.
Over the months this year {I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already-- NOVEMBER?}, I've been reminded that as fun and exhilerating as going a million miles an hour with printing is, it really leaves the 'little things' behind. It's going to be a New Years Resolution for 2011 for me, thats certain, but I wanted to take a brief moment to let you, my readers, know what I am most thankful for:
1) My husband. It's a given. This man has put up with ALOT from me, and he still sticks around {silly man}. He is my life, he is my lover, and I am grateful to come home to him every single night. Thank you, K!
2) My family. Another given, but it's important to recognize how important it is to have people in your life that truely care about you and your wellbeing. 'Family' can mean your closest {or not} kin, bestest friends, or even neighbors-- but those that genuinely care about you-- those are the ones I'm most thankful for.
3) You. My readers. Starting this business, I had NO idea what to expect, I mean zilch. I'm still learning how best to do things, but it's all of you, and your amazing comments that keep me chugging along-- thank you!
I hope you all had a fabulous, safe, and filling holiday!! I'll be putting up a few new stationery sets in the Etsy shop this week-- keep checking back!!
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